Saturday 8 November 2014

The Scrpt

The Script

A young boy, dressed in school uniform, strolling through the field.

(Phone rings)
Harry: Hello?

Harry's mother in her house

Barbara: Harry, where are you are you okay?

Harry: Yeah, I'm on the field I'm just taking the dog for a walk.

(Whilst cleaning surface)
Barbara: Alright then, hurry up because your dinner is ready.

Harry: Alright, I'll be home in twenty minutes. Alright bye.

Carries on walking in the field. 
Dog runs off.

(In tired emotion)
Harry: Max, Max come on.

Harry: Max... Max... Max!

(Nervously and quickly turns around)
Harry: Max?

Starts to run through the bushes

Harry: Max!

Starting to run quicker

Harry: Max... Max! 

Harry hears noise and is worried

(Worried and confused)
Harry: Max... Max is that you?

Hand from behind is quickly placed on Harry's shoulder.

Scene End.

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