Thursday 6 November 2014



Representation is what people are presented like in films and media in general. This can be the types of characters in the film for example what ethnicity they are, their sexuality, their class and status, if they have a disability or not, where they are from, their age and their gender. It can also be the location of where the film is set.


There is huge representation in horror films, for example men in horror films are usually addressed as either the villain or the hero, but most of the time a male will represent both of those roles. They will represent power and control over the female characters and mostly be the ones that save the day at the end.

Female characters in horror films are represented much differently than the males, they are usually never the hero or the villain and have a much weaker role in the film. In most horror films there is always the stereotypical blonde stupid girl, who will most likely get killed near the beginning. This character along with the other female characters will be scared characters who will scream a lot throughout the film. They will most likely be victims who show no power and are Scantily clad (Naked, provocative) characters.

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