Friday 14 November 2014

The Storyboard




0 - Production company logo - 7 seconds

1 - Harry walking alone in a field
Shot - tracking shot
Movement - backwards
Sound - non
Dialogue - non
Duration - 10 sec

2 - Harry talking on the phone to his mother
Shot - mid/long shot
Movement - non
Sound - non
Dialogue - "hello"
Duration - 2 sec

3 - Barbara on the phone to Harry
Shot - mid shot
Movement - slight pan to the right
Sound - non
Dialogue - "Harry where are you? Are you okay?"
Duration - 4 sec

4 - Harry on the phone again
Shot - close up
Movement - non
Sound - non
Dialogue - "Yeah, I'm on the field, I'm just taking the dog for a walk"
Duration - 3 sec

5 - Barbara on phone again
Shot - mid shot
Movement - non
Sound - non
Dialogue - "Okay then hurry up because your dinner is ready"
Duration - 4 sec

6 - Harry on phone
Shot - mid/long shot
Movement - non
Sound - non
Dialogue - "Alright I'll be home in 20 minutes"
Duration - 4 sec

7 - Harry realises his dog has gone and runs after it
Shot - long shot
Movement - non
Sound - non
Dialogue - "Max! Max come on"
Duration - 6 sec

8 - POV from killer in the bushes
Shot - POV
Movement - camera held movements
Sound - non
Dialogue - "Max, Max!"
Duration - 7 sec

9 - Sound of a branch snapping behind Harry and he turns around
Shot - mid/long shot
Movement - non
Sound - non
Dialogue - "Max! Max?"
Duration - 8 sec

10 - Harry running through trees and bushes
Shot - long shot
Movement - non
Sound - slow build up of scary music
Dialogue - "Max!"
Duration - 8 sec

11 - Harry running through field
Shot - mid/long shot
Movement - non
Sound - music is getting louder and faster
Dialogue - "Max where are you?"
Duration - 3 sec

12 - POV shot from killer sneaking up behind Harry
Shot - POV
Movement - hand held camera movement
Sound - Loud scary music, then turns into screeching T.V sound and then the sound of a lightning strike
Dialogue - "Max is that you?"
Duration - 8 sec

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