Thursday 27 November 2014

Film Progress

Film Progress

So far we have worked on making the logo for our film, these are different ideas that we had:

First off, i had the idea to have the skull role in from the left side of the screen with a white background, however that didn't work as the skull is white and it didn't look good at all. This meant that we had to come up with more ideas, i had the idea to use a red background instead. I chose this because it had a bloody feel to it and made it feel more like a horror film logo, which was our target. After i did the first idea, with the red background, I decided to make a different logo. I had the idea for the skull to drop down from the top of the screen to land in between the writing, which i would have to come in shot and zoom past the camera.

We had some problems with the text, as we couldn't find any texts that fitted our liking, we wanted a text that looked scary and that it was for a horror film. We have downloaded a good horror text from the website, as it fitted the category much better.

I did find this quite difficult as I don't use After Affects a lot and have never done anything like this before, to help me do this, i found a tutorial that helped me through the process. This was the tutorial.

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