Monday 17 November 2014

Role Allocation and Casting

Role Allocation and Casting

Harry Whitehead - playing Harry
Barbara Whitehead - playing Harry's Mother

Director: Oliver Watson
The directors job is to be the person who directs the making of a film. Generally, a film director controls a film's artistic and dramatic aspects, and visualizes the script while having control over the technical crew and actors in the making of the film. Like I said in my pitch, the director that I look up to is David Cameron because he is a great director and has directed films such as 'Titanic' and 'Avatar'.

Producer: Harry Whitehead
The producers job is to be responsible for raising funding, hiring key personnel, and arranging for distributors. They are meant to prepare and then supervise the making of a film before presenting the product, without a producer there would be no film. An example of a film producer would be George Lucas who produced the Star Wars franchise and the Indiana Jones franchise.

Cameraman: Oliver Watson
The cameraman is the person behind the camera who films everything that the director tells him to, he has to have a good use of different camera angles and movement.

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