Tuesday 17 February 2015

Evaluation - Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

In our film we have kept our storyline pretty simple and have made sure that it is not complex. We did this because it means that the audience will find it easier to follow the story, therefore it won't be confusing to them. By doing this hopefully means that more of the audience will like the film. An example of a confusing film would be the film 'Seven', this is a film where it's hard to follow and doesn't really make much sense until the end. Although are film isn't confusing, we do have an enigma in our opening scene. This is a really good way to attract an audience to a film as it leaves the audience on sort of a cliff hanger, it builds up tension and it will make the audience want to watch the rest of the film to see what happens.

We were also hoping that the fact that we had two genres in one film would also attract more of our audience, as it will attract the audiences that like horror films such as 'Paranormal Activity' and it will also attract audiences that like thriller films such as 'Taken'. By doing a hybrid genre I believe that it will fill the needs of both types of audiences, therefore increase the amount of people that will watch our film. We also had our storyline similar to other horror/thriller films, such as 'Kill Bill Volume 1' and 'A Nightmare On Elm Street', the similarities were that they are both about revenge, just like our film. By doing this will hopefully mean that our film will attract audiences that like the films Kill Bill and A Nightmare On Elm Street.

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