Sunday 15 February 2015

Evaluation - Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

We made a film in the horror/thriller genre and targeted the film towards teenagers and young adults. This is because the typical audience for horror/thriller is proven to be between the age of 15-25. As our film is a hybrid genre, we have a primary audience and a secondary audience, our primary audience is males aged 15-25, this is because we believe that males are more likely to go and see our film as it is a gory film with multiple conventions of horror such as blood and knifes. The secondary audience for our film is young couples, this is because young couples are more likely to go and see a horror/thriller film than an older couple. People that want to see our film will like horror films, this means that they don't want to see a film with childish humour for example Step Brothers or the Inbetweeners Movie. They will want to see a film including conventions of horror such as jump scares, killing and blood and guts.

I did some research into similar films of ours, examples of one is 'Child's Play' which is about a serial killer doll. The types of people that watched that film are people aged between 25 and 39, this is different to our as our film is more of a thriller/horror than just a horror. The people that did the research into the audience of Child's Play found out that the audiences favourite dishes are hot dogs, french fries and banana milkshakes. They also found out that in their spare time, they like to listen to live music, play video games and write. Some of the most favorite movies that the audience of Child's Play like are 'Hellraiser', 'It', 'Insidious', 'Saw' and 'Halloween'. As these are all horror films, it shows us that the type of people that watch Child's Play also like other horror films. Which means that we have to advertise our film to people that like other thriller/horror such as 'World War Z'.

This table above shows us the types of films that children at the age of 7 to 14 watched in 2013. The types of films that they watched were childish films like 'Monsters University' this is because they won't want to see scary films and would rather watch an uplifting film with no suspense. These genres are the complete opposite genre of film to ours, a horror/thriller this shows us that our audience for our film is not of the age of 7 to 14.

However, with the audience being of an age of 15 to 24 there are less childish films being seen and more horror films and thriller films in the top list. Also there are not as many horror/thriller films in the older category as well, this means that the age limit of 15 to 24 is the perfect audience for our film.

With our main character being a boy, we would hope that this means that it will attract an audience of males. This might be because they might be able to relate to what is happening to the young boy in the film. By this happening, it could mean that the majority of our audience could be male. We do know that the majority of people that watch thriller films are male, for example in the 'BFI Statistical Yearbook' it tells us that 69% of people that went to see 'Captain Phillips' were male and the other 31% were female. This was also the same result for 'Star Trek Into Darkness'. This proves that most males would prefer to see thriller films than childish, 'girly' films such as 'One Direction: This Is Us'. Only 15% of people that went to see that film we male and the other 85% were female. Although the majority of our audience for our film will probably be male, we would also like to see a high percentage of females watching our film, this is because it then widens the range of audiences for our film.

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