Wednesday 4 February 2015

Feedback on Coursework

Research and Planning - 10
Research and planning is complete, but sometimes not very detailed. There is some research into potential target audiences, but this could be more extensive. Research into similar products is wide ranging and proficient, and there is some good evidence of research into the horror genre. However, this blog is let down by no evidence of organisation of actors locations etc, no storyboard or script.

Main Task – 34
Overall there were successful sequences created, a controlled use of the camera is apparent and there is a reasonable variety of shots. Also the sound was built up for effect, and the sound clearly shows a proficient use of layers of found and created sound. The titles follow conventions and there is a good use of suitable fonts. The editing is proficient, although some of the cuts are a little too quick, reflecting the problems had when filming of turning the camera off too quickly. However there is limited action (long opening shots of trains and location) with nothing specifically relating to the narrative. There is not enough substance to the opening which would have benefited from much more being filmed at each location to really convey meaning to the viewer.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that our film is pretty poor and could have done with many improvements, the main thing being we needed more action in our project. With my research and planning I need to add more detail into the actual audiences that will watch our film. I also need to finish off my other blogs that are not yet completed.
