Saturday 21 February 2015

Evaluation - Question 6

What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During our product, I have learned a lot of digital skills including different software filming techniques. One of the different software that I have learned about is After Affect. Before stating my media course, I had never done anything like this before therefore when i had to make my own film I had to learn how to edit and how to use after affects. As i didn't know how to use after affects, I had to watch a YouTube tutorial on how to make an intro for our product. 

I also had to learn how to edit through Premiere Pro as i didn't know how to edit. I found out how to cut the clips and put them in the places that we needed them to go in, I learned where to cut the clips to make sure that the clips weren't too long and boring and I learned how to add music and sound effects into our film by adding the music on the line below the video clip and this was used as non-diegetic sound in the film. I also found out how to render our footage and why we needed to do so. The reason why we needed to render our footage is because it's basically mixing all of our edits into a final, single continuous clip that can be shared, burned, uploaded or archived. The other thing I learned about Premiere Pro is the audio affects, to get our audio clips we had to use specific websites such as and this is where we could get music and sound affects duty free.

The equipment that we used to film our media product was a camera, the camera that we used was a Sony Handycam. One of the things that I learned about the camera was that when the person that is being focused on is far away, instead of zooming the camera into that person it looks much better if you use tracking with the camera, so when you move forward with the camera. This was just one of the techniques that I learned when using the camera to film our project. When we filmed the POV part for our project, I found out that it looked much better if I made the camera move like what the person would be moving like. This was because it makes the audience feel like they are in the position of that character.

What I have learned from blogging on Blogger is that you have to use it at the start of the production as almost a diary. You have to use it daily or weekly and constantly update your posts. For example when creating our script and planning where and when to film our project for the film, we weren't too sure on the specific details, this meant that we had to keep going onto our blog and changing details and adding new details. At the start of this media assignment, I had never used Blogger before or had even wrote a blog before, this meant that I had a lot to learn about it. I had to learn how to use it in general, like how to make a new post and how to save and update my posts. I also learned how to move certain blog posts around, for example if I had a blog post from the start of the project and had to then update it later on and it would save as a recent post, I could go onto the blog and change the date of the blog so that it would go back to an old blog, this meant that my blog was more updated and looked more professional.

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