Tuesday 10 February 2015

Evaluation - Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In our film, we see a lot of young characters, this is because the main 'villain' in the film is a young school boy and most of the victims are also young school boys. With the characters being high school students that are going through their GCSE's, some of the audience could relate to this as everybody doing their GCSE's feels stressed and they would be able to relate to some of the main characters. They might also be able to relate to the fact that 'Billy's' parents have got a divorce and that some of the audience members will also probably be experiencing the same problems. Also, the majority of the characters and the main characters are male, this means that it will attract a large group of male teenagers to young adults. Although the film has a lot of powerful male characters in it, we will also have a strong female in the film to attract a female audience, even though in a typical horror, women aren't supposed to be powerful characters.

Also, the class and status of the character we can see in the opening sequence is of a middle/working class family. He isn't dressed in wealthy clothes like in the film 'The Riot Club' which is a film about a group of 'posh' friends. However, he ins't dressed in poor looking clothes like in the film 'Oliver' where the characters weir very dirty, tatty clothes. He is dressed like the average middle class high school student. By doing this, it will attract middle/working class families and individuals to watch the film, as they will be able to relate to how the characters lives their life. 

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