Friday 26 September 2014

Task 2.1 - A Nightmare On Elm Street Analysis

 At the start of the film, we don't really know what's happening, some sort of man is welding some metal into certain shapes. The director has chosen to do this because it makes it more of a mystery to not know what's happening. There is no dialogue at the start, just heavy breathing and the sound of hammering and rusty metal pieces. This puts the audience in a scene where they feel afraid.

The location of the first scene is a old, dark, rusty looking place, the director has chosen this location to make the audience feel like they don't want to be there. After we see the building being done, we see the man put on a glove with blades attached to it, from this point we know that the film is going to contain a lot of death and hatred, which are both conventions of horror.

In the next scene we see a girl running away from someone or something, again we don't really know what's happening yet. The director has chosen for the film to start straight away with blades, a girl running and potential death because it makes the audience want to see what's happening within the film. At the end of that corridor there is light, the fact that the girl is running away from the light shows that she is running into trouble.

After we see the girl running, she sees the man and screams, when she screams the director has put sound effects of babies crying. Babies crying is also a convention of horror, therefore making it so that the audience know that the film is going to be scary. As soon as the sound stops, the man jumps out from behind her, then she wakes up. By her waking up means that the audience will feel like everything is going to be fine because it was just a dream, however we know that the rest of the film will consist of death and hatred.

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