Tuesday 30 September 2014

Feedback - Miss Spencer

You have started making progress with your blog and the work you have done is proficient. You have especially discussed elements like iconography which shows sophistication. I would put it at a borderline 2/3. In order to improve the work and get a more secure level 3 you should:

Use technical language for sound(diegetic and non-diegetic sound etc) 

Mention the single POV shot throughout the opening of Halloween - it was and still is unusual. What is the effect? Can you think of other films in the genre that do the same? 

When thinking about titles, also discuss the font, does it send a particular message (e.g. superhero films often have metallic looking font to show power etc) 

You haven't touched on characterisation or editing in any depth. Go back over the work and add this in.

Miss Spencer

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