Wednesday 15 April 2015

Evaluation - Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I believe that I have learnt a lot from my preliminary task and have came a long way to succeed in my final task. Although my final task wasn't the best, it was a huge improvement to my preliminary task. First off, in my preliminary task we didn't even finish the whole task as we ran out of time, however in our main task we were able to finish the whole task, meaning we had improved on our time management skills, which was very important. Secondly, the other thing that we improved on was editing, in the preliminary task, we didn't do a very good job at editing the film, as we had no experience in it. For example at the end of the preliminary task, we had an explosion pop up. However this explosion was very bad as it didn't look realistic, which made our editing look bad. However in the main task, our editing had improved a lot. We didn't just improve our editing in general, such as adding a text in the shot and making both the scene and the text fade away after a certain time. We also wanted to have our film at night, we filmed it in the day yet added a lighting change so that it looked like it was at night. We also added a spotlight into the top left hand corner to make it look like there was a moon, making the scene look even more scary.

We had also improved massively on the camera work, we improved on the camera movements, the camera angles and how smooth the camera was so that there was no wobbly camera moments. For example;

This is a shot from our preliminary task, where we had a still shot of the school building. However, even though it was a still shot, the shot was very wobbly. Which made the video look bad, however this was okay as it was our first media task and we were inexperienced.

We then improved this later on, in our main task. As we made sure that there were no sudden camera movements that weren't supposed to be there and we made sure that the camera movement, such as pans, were very smooth. This made the video overall look better and of a higher quality.

Also, in our preliminary task, we only filmed still shots as we were afraid to move the camera in case we would mess up the shot and make the film look back. Also we didn't have the correct equipment,

if we wanted to film a pan, the best idea would have been to film it with a dolly. However, in the main task we didn't just use still shots, but used a variety of different shot as well, such as a pan and a POV shot, which built up tension in the film.

We also improved our match on match action in our main task compared to our preliminary task. In our preliminary task, we had a not so good quality match on match action shot where it was a shot of me and then a closer one of the phone and then a shot back to me. However, in our main task when we used a match on match action shot, it was of a better quality to the one in our preliminary task. This was because we had learnt from our mistakes and had improved from the first time we tried this. In our main task, when using the match on match action shot, we synchronised the voice of Harry into the next shot, this meant that he said the exact same line, which made the quality of the video better.